Active projects may be a study, plan, design or construction. These projects are approved in either the Work Program & Budget or in the TIP. Projects are programed by the State Fiscal Year (from July 1st to June 30th of the next calendar year). This webpage will provide links to project reports describing the project, estimated timeline to complete, funding sources and project documents.

Sierra Vista Pavement Condition Survey

The SVMPO is providing funding to the City of Sierra Vista to conduct a comprehensive pavement condition survey of all of the City roadways. This highly technical review includes an analysis of which roadways are most urgently in need of specific types of maintenance activities. These may include patching, fog coats or pavement overlays. A consultant team will be driving specialized vans to gather pavement data in the Fall of 2023. This type of data is important to strategically use the limited resources available in the most effective way possible. To ask questions about this Study or provide your thoughts and ideas about this area use the Contact Us link on this website.


Joint Transportation Strategic Safety Plan

In a joint partnership with the Southeastern Council of Governments (SEAGO), a four County Strategic Transportation Safety Action Plan will be undertaken beginning in November of 2024. This plan will update a safety plan effort that was completed during the 2016-2017 timeframe (adopted in 2018). From the previous plan several targeted safety projects were funded and completed. The Executive Summary of the previous plan is linked below.

The Strategic Safety Action Plan will identify strategies and projects to help meet the State and Regional goals of reducing fatalities and serious injuries on the transportation network. As part of this effort stakeholder groups will be convened of emergency personal, health and transportation professional to review current crash data, study possible causes, and recommend actions to take to address safety issues.

The following link will take you to the Safety Plan specific webpage and the Public Survey Tool:

Link to Webpage & Survey

Huachuca City Transit Feasibility Study

The Town of Huachuca City obtained a three-year pilot funding to re-initiate a shuttle service for the Town and surrounding area. A study will be initiated in the Winter of 2023 to investigate the possibility of a 5311 transit system for the Town. At this time the Town is working to bring all their vans up to full operating condition and regulatory compliance as well as hire and train drivers. Regular shuttle service is now being provided: for more information contact the Town of Huachuca City at 520-45-1354.


Ramsey Canyon Trail Extension

Cochise County, in coordination with the Sierra Vista MPO, is seeking state funding for a possible trail extension project along Ramsey Canyon Road. The potential extension would be located on the north side of Ramsey Canyon Road between Stafford Lane and State Highway 92.

The trail improvements would include:

1) 10′ wide paved trail.
2) As-needed improvements to roadside drainage to accommodate trail users.

Link to Survey

State Highway 90 Reconstruction Project

A major state highway reconstruction project will be undertaken by the Az. Dept. of Transportation in 2024. This $54 million dollar repaving project will cover the stretch from the Border Station, through the Town of Huachuca City, around the Highway 90/92 Bypass, and just past Moson Rd.

Drivers are asked to be cautious and patient when navigating through the work zones.

By the end of the year a link will be provided on this site for real-time information about the work activities on Highway 90.
