This webpage provides a repository of plans, studies and reports undertaken by the SVMPO. Most of these were funded out of federal and state planning funds, some are funded with State Transportation Block Grants, and a few are funded with partnerships with other agencies or with private grant funding. Typically, a study, plan or report is completed to assess and prioritize transportation needs, to make recommendations or to identify potential future projects.
Status Definitions
- Active: Currently in progress. Not yet finalized.
- Inactive: Begun but now paused. Pending resolution of an issue outside the control of the SVMPO. Will re-engage once issue is resolved.
- Completed: Finished. Documents are finalized and transmitted to required agencies or interested member jurisdiction(s) for use.
- Adopted: Finished. Final document(s) formally adopted by either the SVMPO Board or the interested member jurisdiction in an open meeting.
- Tabled: Not completed. Draft documents not finalized. Effort formally rejected during the process by the SVMPO Board. Will not be re-engaged unless initiated as a new work activity by formal action of the Board.
Transportation Study, Plan or Report |
Status | Fiscal Year | Description |
Moson Road Cross-Section Lane Layout Study: Final Summary Report | Completed May 2023 | 2023 | The Moson Road Corridor is located in southwest Cochise County running north-south between State Highway 90 and Hereford Rd. This study analyzed both current and future travel needs and identified improvements for travel lanes, intersections, drainage and developed construction cost estimates. The recommended corridor improvements include three reconfigured intersections (with turning lanes), 22 drainage crossings, addition of 10-foot paved shoulders, and resurfacing of the pavement surface. The total January 2023 estimated cost was $21.1 million. Cochise County began a full Design phase in Fall of 2023 and have identified an earmark of $6.1 million for the first phase of construction of these identified improvements. |
Theater Drive Conceptual Roadway Corridor Summary Report | Completed January 2023 | 2023 | Theater Drive was identified as a near-term priority regional transportation project in the 2050 Long-Range Transportation Plan. This east-west roadway lies between Carmichael Ave. and 7th Street: portions are owned by the City of Sierra Vista and other segments by Cochise County. This Corridor plan defined strategies to improve travel options, enhance neighborhood circulation and address localized flooding of the roadway. After completion of the Study, $1.8 million was earmarked for undertaking design and construction activities on Theater Drive. |
Public Transportation (Transit) Safety Plan | Adopted December 2021 | 2022 | This Safety Plan was developed for the City of Sierra Vista's Vista Transit agency to meet the requirements of a public transportation service safety plan. It discusses, and sets, safety performance measures, and identified safety strategies for the transit agency. This document provides a baseline report for Vista Transit to routinely update processes, procedures and targeted performance measures to ensure the safety of their drivers and riders. |
Huachuca City Roadway Inventory & Assessment Abstract | Completed September 9, 2021 | 2022 | This one-page Abstract summarizes the Roadway Inventory & Assessment study with recommendations adopted by the Huachuca City Town Council on September 9, 2021. |
Huachuca City Transportation System | Adopted September 9, 2021 | 2022 | The Town of Huachuca City, in partnership with the SVMPO, undertook this Study to complete their 2017 General Plan goal of developing a Transportation Circulation Plan. Existing conditions were extensively inventoried, an analysis of roadway conditions was completed using state of the art pavement condition technology, high priority projects were identified and a set of future recommendations for the Town to consider were developed. Working papers and map sets provided additional user-friendly data for Huachuca City’s Public Works Dept. |
Huachuca City Transportation System Final Report Summary Flyer | Completed September 9, 2021 | 2022 | Same as Previous |
Vista Transit Short-Range Transit Plan | Completed August 2021 | 2022 | This purpose of the Vista Transit Short-Range Transit Plan is to inform and guide the continued operations of the transit service between 2021 and 2026. This plan provides a five-year transit planning document with guidance for operating, financial and capital activities of Vista Transit. The plan considers sustainable operating strategies, projected financial resources and Federal Transit Administration guidelines. This planning activity was undertaken concurrently with the development of the SVMPO Long-Range Transportation Plan: these recommendations were also adopted as part of the regional longer-range plan. |
Emergency Pre-Emption Signal Project Abstract | Completed February 25, 2021 | 2021 | This one-page Abstract summarizes the partnership with ADOT’s SouthCentral District, the Town of Huachuca City and the Whetstone Fire Dept. to install an emergency pre-emption signal on Highway 90 to alert, slow and stop high speed traffic on Highway 90. This project alerts the traveling public to the presence of two fire stations and has resulted in faster response times for emergency services in the region. Emergency signal beacons were also installed in the Whetstone area. Activation of the emergency pre-emption signal occurred in December 2020. |
Vista Transit Rider Survey | Completed April 2017 | 2017 | Vista Transit undertook this study in order to identify characteristics of transit riders, assess the most highly desired destinations, and ask riders about their overall perception of the service by transit customers. Close to 300 transit riders completed surveys providing Vista Transit with valuable insight into their most frequent rider needs. |
Origin & Destination Study | Completed February 2017 | 2017 | This intensive traveler survey effort sought to determine the economic impact of shoppers from Mexico crossing at the Douglas Port of Entry on the SVMPO region. Almost 2,000 travelers completed surveys, with additional data collected by WI-FI devices. Key findings: cross-border travelers spent over three hours in Sierra Vista, average spending ranged between $95.00 to $252.00 a trip. |
Fry Blvd, West End Corridor Study | Completed February 2017 | 2017 | This Study looked at design options to enhance the transportation corridors on the West End: specifically looking at Fry Blvd. from BST to 7th Street. Proposed projects were identified in phases and were designed with the goal of creating a safer, more pedestrian-friendly multi-modal transportation corridor. The first phase of this project was awarded SVMPO construction funds. |
Road Design & Construction Standards & Specifications for Public Improvements | Adopted August 2017 | 2016 | In partnership with the SVMPO, Cochise County worked with their consultant team, Kimley-Horn, to develop an updated Roadway and Construction Design Standards that incorporated rural roadway designs, recreational path and trailheads and best practices for infrastructure development. These Design Standards are also available on the Cochise County’s website: |
Health Impact Assessment (HIA) | Completed August 2016 | 2016 | This comprehensive Health Impact Assessment partnered with health professionals to consider the impacts of the transportation system on the health of area residents. The positive effects of alternative modes of travel that encourage active living, like bicycling, walking or riding public transit were evaluated. This Assessment was funded by a grant from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and Prevention-National Center for Environmental Health in partnership with the SVMPO. |
2015-2016 Regional Transportation Plan | Adopted March 17, 2016 | 2016 | The 2040 Regional Transportation Plan (2040 LRTP) is the first long-range transportation plan developed for the newly formed SVMPO. This plan forms a framework for the regional transportation system, looking to the out-year of 2040. Goals, strategies and priorities for meeting the region’s transportation needs were developed with the support of the MPO Technical Advisory Committee. A financial plan includes potential revenues and expected costs. Recommendations include both funded and unfunded transportation project lists. |
Sierra Vista Sidewalk & Implementation Plan | Approved March 2016 | 2016 | This report provided the City of Sierra Vista an inventory of sidewalks within the City and provides an analysis of gaps in the system. This pedestrian gap analysis was used to develop recommendations to improve pedestrian access, safety, walkability experience, and encourage increased pedestrian activity throughout the urbanized area. |
Buffalo Soldier Trail Concept Report | Tabled July 2015 | 2015 | The Buffalo Soldier Trail Design Concept Report (DCR) studied potential routes to extend Buffalo Soldier Trail further east from Highway 92 to Moson Road. Six potential routes were developed and analyzed within the study area. The intent of this design study was to identify a preferred alignment for a new east/west corridor that would provide an alternative to Highway 90 to the north or Ramsey Road to the south. |
Sierra Vista Short Range Transit Plan | Completed July 2014 | 2014 | The Sierra Vista Short Range Transit Plan (SRTP) was an update of the 2008 Vista Transit Five Year Master Plan. The SRTP was developed to guide transit services in the region from 2014 to 2019. The Transit Plan outlines future revenue streams and identified recommendations for maintaining a city-wide transit service responsive to current and projected future needs. |
Sierra Vista Transportation Efficiency Study | Completed March 2013 | 2013 | The Sierra Vista Transportation Efficiency Study developed reasonable, implementable, and community-supported strategies to reduce reliance on single-occupancy vehicle trips and expand transportation choices. A Travel Reduction Plan was also developed with the goal of reducing reliance on single occupancy vehicle trips in the area in the future. Recommendations were made for a wide range of potential improvements including strategies for bicycle infrastructure, pedestrian amenities, parking, vanpooling and transit. This Study was funded by a Planning Assistance for Rural Areas (PARA) grant from the Arizona Dept. of Transportation in partnership with the SVMPO. |
Sierra Vista Safe Bicycle and Pedestrian Routes Plan | Completed August 2011 | 2011 | The Safe Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan identified nodes and activity centers, mapped a network of bicycle and pedestrian routes that connect nodes and activity centers, identified route deficiencies in terms of safety and comfort of the bicyclist and pedestrian, identified improvement projects that will address the deficiencies, and prioritized improvement projects consistent with safety and connectivity considerations. The final report included recommendations for improvements for both bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure and amenities. This is an important background document for the region completed several years before the SVMPO was formed. |
Sierra Vista Small Area Transportation Study | Completed June 2003 | 2003 | Prepared for the City of Sierra Vista, in partnership with Cochise County and Arizona Department of Transportation, the Sierra Vista Small Area Transportation Study (SATS), is an update of a previous 1996 transportation study. The SATS provided the existing conditions in 2003, future conditions to 2020, alternatives to address transportation needs, and an access management strategies for the state highways dissecting the City of Sierra Vista as well as other major roadway corridors in the area. This study formed the initial basis of the first SVMPO long-range transportation plan, conducted in 2016. This is an important background document for the region but was conducted a decade before the formation of the SVMPO. |

The Buffalo Soldier Trail Design Concept Report (DCR)
This project was not approved by SVMPO Board of Directors. Current status is tabled. There are no pending actions being undertaken by SVMPO staff related to this project as of December 2018.
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