
About the Project:

This project was not approved by SVMPO Board of Directors. Current status is tabled. There are no pending actions being undertaken by SVMPO staff related to this project as of December 2018.

The Sierra Vista Metropolitan Planning Organization (SVMPO) programmed funding in Fiscal Year 2015 SVMPO Work Program and Budget to prepare a Design Concept Report to extend Buffalo Soldier Trail (BST) from the intersection of State Route (SR) 92 and Buffalo Soldier Trail to Moson Road.

Buffalo Soldier Trail and S. Highway 92

Buffalo Soldier Trail and S. Highway 92 (Looking West)


The purpose and need for this study was identified in the 2003 Sierra Vista Small Area Transportation Study. The Study recommends the extension of BST from SR92 east to Moson Road to provide a critical alternate route for SR90 and SR92 to reduce the need of widening those roadways to meet future traffic volumes.