One of the key functions of the SVMPO is to coordinate long-range regional transportation plans and, from those, develop short-range (five-year) prioritized project lists. Both of these efforts include data driven research that help member jurisdictions assess future transportation needs, identify potential costs, prioritize improvements and then work with each other to implement regional solutions. This webpage will link you to region-wide plans that guide annual program, plan and project development.
2050 Long-Range Transportation Plan Update (2050 LRTP)
Regional Long-Range Transportation Plans are required to cover at least 20 years and must be updated at least every five years. These plans set regional priorities for meeting future transportation needs. Potential funding for the planning period is projected, and future projects that might be considered are recommended, within available funding. Many federal and state transportation funding sources require that projects be identified in regional long-range transportation plans to be eligible for project funding.
2025-2029 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
The TIP is completed every two years and presented to the SVMPO Board for adoption in May or June. This document describes the short-range programming of funding for construction and transit projects. Use of regional funds is restricted to roadways in the federally functionally classified roadway system.
The 2025-2029 TIP has no new roadway construction phases for this time-frame. Future funding for proposed projects may include federal or state grants, regional funding or partnerships with local agencies. A new Call for TIP projects will be issued in early 2025 to member jurisdictions. Transit projects, funded by the Federal Transit Administration, are also included in this four/five-year TIP.
The 2025-2029 TIP was adopted by the SVMPO Board on June 26, 2024.
ACTIVE TIP Project & Funding Table
The approved Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is amended several times a year to adjust funding, adjust project schedules, modify approved projects or add projects. TIP Amendments typically consist of just the TIP spreadsheets, known as the Active TIP Tables. Major TIP Amendments are approved by the SVMPO Board of Directors and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).
The 2025-2029 TIP was adopted on June 26, 2024.
- FY2025 TIP Amendment #1 (administrative modification) was processed by the SVMPO and reviewed by the Board of Directors on August 15, 2024.
Short-Range Transit Plan (Vista Transit)
The SVMPO provides support to public transit agencies to provide five-year transit planning for local transit agencies. An important component of this plan is considering regional transit connectivity. Six recommendations were developed for Vista Transit and the City to consider implementing. Two of these: improved fare boxes and update the mandated Public Transportation (Transit) Agency Safety Plan are underway in 2021.
The 2021-2026 Short-Range Transit Plan was adopted by the SVMPO Board on August 25, 2021 and presented to the Sierra Vista City Council on December 9, 2021.
2025-2029 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) DRAFT
The FY25-FY29 TIP will be considered by the Sierra Vista Board of Directors on June 26, 2024 for adoption. This 2025-2029 TIP has no new design or construction projects programmed for this timeframe. Transit projects are also funded through FTA awards, including bus replacements and ongoing operations, and are programmed in this TIP. The next Call for TIP projects will be held in the Spring of 2025. Questions or comments may be sent to the SVMPO on our online Contact Us form.
Strategic Highway Safety Plan
The SVMPO partnered with the Southeastern Council of Governments (SEAGO) and ADOT to complete a region-wide transportation safety study. This plan identifies areas of concern for specific types of crashes and developed strategies for potentially mitigating fatal and serious injury crashes. Potential projects were identified in this plan that would be eligible for Highway Safety Improvement Program grant funds.
Unfortunately, many of the crashes in our region are the result of driver behavior: speeding, red-light running, passing in no passing zones, impaired or distracted driving, or failure to yield.
Bicycle & Pedestrian
Resources and plans related to our regional bicycling and walking modes of travel are available here on our website. Every vehicle trip made is bracketed by a pedestrian trip to and from your vehicle: this final link in getting to where you need to go is an important consideration in transportation project planning. The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) guides SVMPO activities to support healthy alternatives to driving.